I read some quotations on acceptance this morning, and it's a good topic to read about. Sometimes I still try to make things happen in the ways that I want them to happen and it's difficult for me to simply accept that the way things are is the way things are, and that sometimes it's better that way. The balance in my account is what it is, and there's nothing I can do about that at the moment--though I can plan on making important changes so that the balance improves, that road lies in the future--right now it is what it is. And until I accept it, perhaps the plan never would come about.
You've given us an amazing world, but that world is filled with a lot of struggles and challenges, isn't it? I think that most of the stress that we experience, though, is more a result of us trying to fight the way things are in a futile wish that they were otherwise. No matter what my account balance is, no amount of stress that I feel will change it. And my plans for changing things will come from a much better place and be much more effective if I make them from a calm and rational place, right?
I guess I'm just pondering now, rather than actually asking anything specific. In any case, thanks again for this day!
A response:
You're more than welcome, as always. And I think you're right--you're pondering more than asking, but that's okay sometimes, isn't it? Bouncing our ideas off of others is a very effective way of coming to important--and accurate--conclusions. I think that you're definitely on the right track as far as acceptance is concerned, for life is what life is, and you'd be condemning yourself to a pretty miserable time if you fought against everything that came along and accepted none of it. What you didn't mention were the things that you shouldn't accept, things like racism and hatred and prejudice. That said, though, if someone makes a racist comment, it's important not to accept it, but sometimes it's not in anyone's best interests that you speak up against it immediately. Also, you do have to accept that the person who made the statement has at least racist tendencies, and deal with that person with that knowledge from then on. Keep in mind, though, that my acceptance is complete for all people. That racism comes from somewhere--that person didn't ask for it.
Acceptance is a fascinating concept. Keep reading about it and keep practicing it, and you'll find that your experience of life improves pretty dramatically as you get better at accepting things for what they are. Just as I accept you unconditionally for who and what you are.
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