Thursday, February 25, 2016

New Changes

Hello, God, and thank you very much for this new day in my life--I hope that I'm able to make the most of this day by doing good things and helping people in positive ways. It's a gift that you've given me, so I also hope to be able to be aware of the gift in all its forms--the weather, the beauty, the opportunities, the music--everything. If you can help me with that, I'd much appreciate it!

There are new changes coming up in our lives, especially the one about moving to a new place. It looks like it will be a good opportunity, though the idea of living in a building that's kind of like a dorm and that has a lot of different groups having meetings and such does seem a bit daunting--it will take some getting used to, obviously, but I'm sure that we'll be able to make the transition smoothly. I do thank you for this opportunity that you've given us, and I ask you to help us to make the most of it.

It's coming at a very good time, for various reasons, not the least of which is financial. Our finances are getting stretched, as you know, due to circumstances completely beyond our control (money not being paid back on loans that we have to make up for), and this new situation will be a great help. In the past, I'd be worrying now that something is going to fall through and that we'll end up not getting the apartment, but this isn't the past, and I'm not worried about that at all. It's not that I'm cocky, but just trusting in life and you. So there is progress on some levels!

In any case, thanks, and have a beautiful day (if we make that even possible for you).

A response:

Yes, I can have a good day. My days are always tinted with sadness and pain because of things that humans do to themselves and each other, but there's still plenty of beauty and many people doing wonderful things for each other. So I can have a beautiful day, because that's what days are at their core.

I'm glad that you're grateful for your new situation, and I'm sure it will work out well for you because you're going into it with a positive attitude. With such an attitude, even if not everything flows smoothly or is enjoyable, things can still go well because you're learning from adversity, so to speak. That's not to say that this situation will be like that, of course, but the attitude is a huge determiner of the outcomes.

And while I'd love to say "you're welcome," it isn't simply my doing. It's the culmination of many different factors that have been in place for a long time--it's how life works. I very rarely just reach out and make certain things happen, even in response to fervent prayer. The prayer itself changes the people who pray and makes them more receptive to new situations, so that those situations now find a fertile ground in which they're able to grow. Your new situation is a result of prayers and hopes and dreams of you and others, and it's now ready to come to fruition. And your contribution in that situation will be a very positive one--if you're willing to make the effort to make it so.

So enjoy. And you have a beautiful day, too.

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