Well, God, here we are in today. You and I and all the other people and animals and other beings with whom I share this planet. My frustration level is very high, but it's important that I not let that color the way that I approach this new day and all the potential gifts that it brings. Even though there seems to be very little going right with us at the moment, there is change in the air, which we hope will bring more potential and possibilities to our lives.
I suppose the biggest question that I have for you is why the people who are good, who do good and who give to the world, so rarely have things go very well for them. Is it because if things were going well they would get more complacent and not do the good things? Is it because there's more to learn from adversity than there is from things going well? It perplexes me to continue to see people who give and give and give still struggling, still feeling as if the world isn't willing to bring anything good their way. Perhaps this is just my projection of how things in the world go, and I'm feeling like I'm being swept under because of the way things are going in my own life, but I do think it's a valid question.
So what do you really want for us? Everything I read and hear says that you want abundance and peace for us, but is that just the preacher holding up a carrot with which to lead us on? Especially recently, I don't see too much abundance around me. And as a schoolteacher, I see even less of it these days among my colleagues as states continue to cut funding from schools, making many more people get by with much less. It's difficult to watch.
So should I try to find the abundance, or should I turn my back on that idea and simply serve others with no thought of recompense? I know that I could accomplish much, much more if I had a decent financial reserve to work from, but I have no financial reserve at all--I simply have debt, that has added up since the layoff a couple of years ago. In spite of all the work that I continue to do, I have fewer resources now than almost ever, and I simply don't understand that. Perhaps you could let me know how this works?
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