Sunday, May 29, 2016

Another long absence

Good morning, God!

And thanks much for this new day in our lives. I really appreciate the opportunity to live through another day on this amazing planet, and I'll do my best to make the most of this day that I've been given.

It's been a while since I've written anything here, as you well know. A long vacation will do that--my wife and I took our first long vacation--two weeks--in many years, and while we were gone, we had very little in the way of Internet connections. It was a good thing, though, because I wanted to spend as little time as possible online. Our goal was to be together and to do some exploring, not to do the same online stuff while on vacation that we do at home.

I want to thank you for the opportunity to take the vacation. I know that the vast majority of people on this planet will never be able to take such a vacation, and that it's only an accident of fate that we happen to live in a place that allows us the economic possibility of taking the vacation we just took. I want you to know, though, that we don't take it for granted, and that we do very much appreciate it. I do wish that more people could do things like that, but I learned long ago that it's important that we live within the realities in which we're placed--we shouldn't make ourselves suffer if we live in a situation that is better than other people have. Vacations are important in life; I know that my wife and I very much needed this one.

So we thank you for the chance to travel and to see new things, and I'll do my best to make sure that the benefits of the vacation make a difference in my life.

A response:

Welcome back. Yes, vacations are important--I gave you a world to experience, and if you want to get to know that world better, vacations are one of the ways that you can do so. I want you to know the world, to feel comfortable in it, to enjoy and learn from all that it has to offer you. You know as well as I do that you have never been extravagant with your vacations, and this particular one was a special treat on a scale that neither of you have ever experienced before. There's nothing wrong with treating yourselves, until it becomes excessive. But almost anything in excess is a mistake.

Vacation is a time for rest, relaxation, and renewal, and I sincerely hope that you've been able to experience all three. I also sincerely hope that the rest and renewal allow you to do stronger and better work in the different areas of your lives--in your work and in your relationships and at your church. Use the strength that you have now that you're rested to contribute more strongly in ways that you feel are most appropriate. You rest so that you can approach things in your life more effectively and more enthusiastically; nobody is served when you work yourselves to exhaustion. Enjoy your rested state, and all that you get done in it!

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