Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Away for a while

Good morning, God--

It most certainly has been a long time, hasn't it?  Here we are in June, and an entire semester has gone by without a word from me to you.  At least, not here.  But you know why--a very busy semester that took a lot out of me and that needed me to focus very strongly, and that left little time for other pursuits.  It was a good semester, but a very trying one.

I just got back from Spain, and I'm very thankful for the chance to study there once more, if only for a very short time.  It was a fascinating experience in many ways, and a good learning experience for me.  And I learned much more than just some more Spanish, though I'm still not quite sure yet exactly what it was that I learned.  I'm still processing.

In any case, you know that time away from doing something like this is not time away from truly caring about life and living.  It's time away from an extra duty that is beneficial to me but that takes a lot more to accomplish than I'm able to give for that period of time.  It helps to remind myself of this fact every now and again.

In any case, let's get going once more!  I'll keep it up as long as I can!

A reply:

As you know already, no apology or explanation is necessary.  When you do give such an explanation of what has happened, you generally do it for yourself, not for me or for the other person.  Sometimes it's to make yourself feel better about something, sometimes it's to try to make the other person feel better about something.  In a strong relationship, it's really never absolutely necessary, except as a way to make one or the other feel better.

I certainly don't feel neglected or deprived.  I know your situations, and they are what they are.  In another era of your life, you might have dropped a different task during the semester.  This semester, you dropped these notes and responses.  That's really okay.

Thanks for the note!  We haven't been out of touch--the touch just hasn't been in written form!

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