Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Different World

Good morning, God, and thanks for this new day! Thanks very much also for a nice Thanksgiving Day yesterday, and a safe and warm place to live, as well as the work that I have and the opportunities I have.

It's been quite a while since I last wrote you. There have been several occasions when I've wanted to, but it's been difficult with all that's been going on, both in my life and in the world in general. It's very hard to get a true feeling for how things are these days--there are so many negative things going on in the world that sometimes it's hard to stay focused on the positive. From our recent election here in the States to the protests at Standing Rock to the situation in Syria and the potential problems that are going to be hitting us over the next several years, things are getting kind of difficult to comprehend, much less handle.

In many ways, it seems that the world has changed significantly over the last few years, and not for the better. I know, though, that there really hasn't been a change in the world itself, just in what we see and what other people are willing to share. Violence and hatred and greed and prejudice have always been a part of some human beings' lives; it's just that now, we're seeing more of those things because more people feel comfortable in putting them out there for the world to see.

I think that my main concern is what I should do, now that these things are out in the open so much? How should I react? Should I do anything at all different, or simply keep on doing what I'm doing as far as the teaching and the websites are concerned? Mine is a minuscule voice in this world, and I don't know that it would have any effect at all, especially on its own. But with whom can I join voices? How can I work to make my voice heard in a way that will be effective--that will help people to see what's truly important in life, things like honesty and integrity and love for our neighbors? I know that people have been trying to get/help other people see these things for as long as human beings have been on this planet, but have met with limited success. How can I be more successful--or even slightly successful?

I suppose if one word could describe my overall feeling about the world and everything in it right now, that word would be "discouraged." The world right now is not a place that encourages in most places and situations, and I'm feeling more and more the world around me as I grow older/grow up. It's quite a shame, but it's very real.

A response:

You've joined a very large club, that of human beings who have been discouraged by the actions and words of their fellow human beings. It seems that many people, no matter how much positive they have in their lives, are simply too afraid of losing everything to be able to understand that life isn't to be controlled and manipulated, that it's to be lived in a manner that shares love and compassion rather than a manner that focuses solely on personal gain, especially financial.

You live in a country that is truly blessed with wealth and abundance, but that has been manipulated and controlled by a relatively few people who have money and supposed "power." You and I know that the power they believe they have is fleeting and transient, but they are able to control and manipulate others due to their influence over other people who are too afraid to stand up to them. Their control has led to many unfortunate things, such as the disparity in wealth between those who have much and those who have little, the destruction of nature, the disenfranchisement of many minority groups, and the terrible reduction in the effectiveness of public education. Your country no longer has an educated populace in general--it has many, many people who function on a visceral level rather than thinking things through, for thinking intimidates them and makes them feel awkward and impotent.

When all these dynamics work together, it leads to results such as your country saw in its recent elections--when a hate-filled, misogynistic, racist, and not very smart person is elected to the highest office in your land. And many, many people simply cannot believe that such a thing can happen--even though this is a rather natural result when so much fear is present among your people.

Discouragement is a natural response when one sees that in spite of very obvious reasons for not doing something, people do it anyway. It's a natural response to seeing people not do something that seems to make complete sense. It's a loss of faith that the people who surround you really care about the world and the people and plants and animals in it. It's the loss of sureness that all that we do serves some purpose, that our actions and mere presence on this planet actually mean something.

Sometimes discouragement comes in a very big package, and it seems to overwhelm you. It sounds like you're there now. But keep your hope, because all is not lost. Life moves on, children continue to be born, and the world still needs its guides and teachers. You have your very concrete tasks in life that you've accepted fully, and it's up to you to continue to teach and guide, helping people to face life with less fear so that fewer things like those that just happened will occur in the future. We need to build our young people up so that fear isn't their biggest motivator. Only then will what you see around you start to resemble any kind of ideal that makes kindness and love its cornerstones.

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