Thursday, February 25, 2016

New Changes

Hello, God, and thank you very much for this new day in my life--I hope that I'm able to make the most of this day by doing good things and helping people in positive ways. It's a gift that you've given me, so I also hope to be able to be aware of the gift in all its forms--the weather, the beauty, the opportunities, the music--everything. If you can help me with that, I'd much appreciate it!

There are new changes coming up in our lives, especially the one about moving to a new place. It looks like it will be a good opportunity, though the idea of living in a building that's kind of like a dorm and that has a lot of different groups having meetings and such does seem a bit daunting--it will take some getting used to, obviously, but I'm sure that we'll be able to make the transition smoothly. I do thank you for this opportunity that you've given us, and I ask you to help us to make the most of it.

It's coming at a very good time, for various reasons, not the least of which is financial. Our finances are getting stretched, as you know, due to circumstances completely beyond our control (money not being paid back on loans that we have to make up for), and this new situation will be a great help. In the past, I'd be worrying now that something is going to fall through and that we'll end up not getting the apartment, but this isn't the past, and I'm not worried about that at all. It's not that I'm cocky, but just trusting in life and you. So there is progress on some levels!

In any case, thanks, and have a beautiful day (if we make that even possible for you).

A response:

Yes, I can have a good day. My days are always tinted with sadness and pain because of things that humans do to themselves and each other, but there's still plenty of beauty and many people doing wonderful things for each other. So I can have a beautiful day, because that's what days are at their core.

I'm glad that you're grateful for your new situation, and I'm sure it will work out well for you because you're going into it with a positive attitude. With such an attitude, even if not everything flows smoothly or is enjoyable, things can still go well because you're learning from adversity, so to speak. That's not to say that this situation will be like that, of course, but the attitude is a huge determiner of the outcomes.

And while I'd love to say "you're welcome," it isn't simply my doing. It's the culmination of many different factors that have been in place for a long time--it's how life works. I very rarely just reach out and make certain things happen, even in response to fervent prayer. The prayer itself changes the people who pray and makes them more receptive to new situations, so that those situations now find a fertile ground in which they're able to grow. Your new situation is a result of prayers and hopes and dreams of you and others, and it's now ready to come to fruition. And your contribution in that situation will be a very positive one--if you're willing to make the effort to make it so.

So enjoy. And you have a beautiful day, too.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Good morning, God--

And thanks much for this new day that we have. Here in the early hours of the morning, the day is still full of promise and potential, depending on what I give to it. And I thank you for the fact that I'm here and alive and able to do so many things on a day like today.

I thank you for the potential changes coming up in our lives, too. You know just as well as I do how difficult things are going to be financially without some sort of significant change, and that change looks to be right around the corner for us--so thank you for that! Of course, it's still in the future and there's always the fear in the back of my mind that something won't work out as it should, but for that fear I have to keep my faith strong so that I don't end up actually inviting the calamity into my life!

Things are going pretty well, all in all, and I thank you for this time of relative comfort. We have our difficulties, of course, but we're getting through them well. We do have money issues, but again, the new plans that have come up will go very far towards helping us to cope with them. It's always fascinating to see how things change through no doing of our own--life has its way of throwing all sorts of different kinds of pitches that can catch us unaware and throw us into a completely new set of feelings and experiences that we never thought we'd be going through. While I'd like to keep them coming and keep on learning from them, there's a certain point at which a little less stress would be nice for a certain period. . . .

A reply:

Of course, you're welcome for the day. And thank you for thanking me--not too many people do so, relatively speaking.

Yes, you're under stress. And yes, you're learning from it. I know that certain periods of being free from stress are necessary, and you will get those--at least, from certain kinds of stress. But the kite can only fly because of the tension created by it fighting the wind to stay in place--think of me as a very strong string that you can hold on to while you're flying because you're fighting the wind. I'm the string and I'm the wind, and I'm also in you, so you can tap that resource within yourself to keep your faith strong.

It's good that you recognize that fearing disaster too strongly can court disaster, even invite it into your life. I would just say this: just because you have a fear of certain things happening doesn't mean that I'm going to punish you for having that fear. I don't see that as a lack of faith--I see that as a fear that's been instilled in you by a lifetime of experiences, and one of your goals in life is to learn how to deal with such fears. If you dwell too strongly on those fears, then you may start to behave in ways that will make the feared outcome inevitable, but that's not necessarily going to happen. Keep your faith strong, and you'll strengthen the chances of those fears not coming true.

Keep your spirit strong, for that's something that no one or situation can take from you. And it's that faith that will help you to act in ways that will invite positive situations and occurrences into your life.