Friday, December 7, 2012

Checking In

Good morning, God--

It's been a while since I've talked to you here, though we have talked in other contexts, in other ways.  Things are getting busy again, with a lot of time and energy focused in one particular direction over the last couple of weeks.  Fortunately, the time and energy spent is having positive results, so the time hasn't been wasted.  I just hope that the results continue to be good, and continue to improve.

The school experience seems to have dropped into a valley.  The students that I work with are great kids, but few of them seem to want to excel.  Few of them seem to want to accomplish more than doing the bare minimum and then moving on to the next thing.  It's a sad thing to watch, to be honest.  The lack of drive in young people who have so much potential is painful to watch.  And it's even more painful to be trying to motivate them to excel, only to have them turn a deaf ear to my efforts.  Perhaps I'm not the person to be motivating them--perhaps there's someone out there to whom they would respond better.  I don't know.

I do understand better now why teachers have so many problems with students.  It's easily the most frustrating--and fulfilling--work that I've done.  There are many times when I just want to turn around and walk out, but I know that that would be wrong, and would accomplish nothing but getting a lot of stress out of my life.  But my life right now has become a constant series of reflections on how to get kids to respond, to be interested in what we're doing.

I guess that you understand this frustration quite well.  You must feel it a lot with us.

A reply.

Yes, I do.

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