Hello, God!
I don't usually write in the afternoons, but today I just feel like it. I want to say thank you for all that we have in this world--a comfortable place to live, food to eat, rewarding and fulfilling work to do, and a future full of possibility and potential. I know that all of this comes undeserved--had I been born in a different country, at a different time, to different parents, who knows what the present would be like? I know for sure that things might be better if any of those "ifs" had come to pass, but I also know that things for me could be much, much worse.
Sometimes I wonder just why I have what I do, while others go hungry, while others go homeless. Is it luck of the draw? Is it based on decisions we made before we came here? How much do you have to do with each of our individual situations? My heart tells me that you don't do a lot of meddling in our lives, that you let us be to make our mistakes and earn our triumphs. But I have so much to be thankful for that I never have earned, and I'm just not sure how to attribute those things. And in the end, it really doesn't matter when or how they came to be, does it? What matters is that I recognize the blessings that are a part of my life and that I appreciate them, for without appreciation, they really do mean nothing.
So thank you, God, for all that is in my life. And thank you for the life that you've given me, in which I'm able to learn and grow and change and improve. This really is a beautiful world full of amazing gifts, such as the many trees that I saw today that are turning brilliant colors for the fall--what a gift those are! So thank you. Very much.
A response:
You're welcome.
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